Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Check Your Resume For Common Mistakes With This Fast Tool

Check Your Resume For Common Mistakes With This Fast ToolCheck Your Resume For Common Mistakes With This Fast ToolWith our new Resume Reviewer, we can tell you in about 35 seconds where youre getting it right and wrong with your resumeGet your free resume review in less than a minute here.Writing a resume can be confusing, but our new tool helps you understand how to think about marketing yourself, not just listing your biographical facts.Its the difference between a billboard ad for the iPadAnd the 169-page (no joke) product manual for the iPadSure, theyre both about the same product, but one shows the benefits of the iPadand the other bores you in excruciating detail with every last fact there is.Same thing with your resume.Instead of trying to squeeze in every last detail, and responsibility, and result think about how you can show the value that your experience will bring to your future boss.So please use our new Resume Reviewer to improve your chances of success and let us know how it goesThanks Readers,Im rooting for youclose dialogAdvertisementclose dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012255 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012255 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close z-index 2-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from -ms-transform rotate(0deg) to -ms-transform rotate(360deg) -moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from -moz-transform rotate(0deg) to -moz-transform rotate(360deg) -webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from -webkit-transform rotate(0deg) to -webkit-transform rotate(360deg) keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from transform rotate(0deg) to transform rotate(360deg) bx-close-inside-1012255 top 0 right 0 /* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012255 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *first-child padding 0width a uto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative background-color transparent.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close stroke whitebackground-color blackborder-style solidborder-color whiteborder-width 1pxbox-shadow 0px 0px 0px 3px black.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-group-1012255-3RBnJGC position absolutetop 50%left 50%transform translate(-50%, -50%)z-index -1.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-wryzWV5 width 55px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-wryzWV5 *first-child animation-name bx-anim-1012255-spinanimation-duration 800msanimation-iteration-count infiniteanimation-timing-function linear.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-group-1012255-me4p1bl padding 10px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-ZdLO37u width auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-ZdLO37u *first-child padding 2px 4pxfont-size 10pxcolor rgb(255, 255, 255)text-transform uppercasebackground-color rgb(0, 0, 0)background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34).bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx- group-1012255-lyDBLV9 width 900pxheight 550px

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Ace Your Job Assessment Test with These 3 Tips

Ace Your Job Assessment Test with These 3 TipsAce Your Job Assessment Test with These 3 Tips2According to TestPrep-Online, over 70 percent of employers across the globe rely on job assessment tests as one step in the employee recruitment process. In the United States, the ratio is even higher among the top 10 private employers, with the Wall Street Journal reporting that 80 percent now require applicants to take a job assessment testas part of their application for certain positions.In short, no matter what industry youre in, you may find yourself facing a screening test to determine your job aptitude as a precursor to landing an interview, and then a job.There are a wide variety of job assessment tests that employers may require, includingSimulation-based assessments, which use on-the-job scenarios to help reveal the thinking and decision-making styles of candidatesPsychometric tests, which measure mental capabilities and behavioral style but have no right or wrong answersSkills tes ts, which try to determine candidates capabilities on specific job skillsPersonality assessments, which are designed to measure personality traits in work settings, such as stress tolerance, pro-activity, and service orientationBusiness case studies, which use advanced assessment methodologies to identify and highlight personal strengths and weaknessesIf youre feeling nervous about the prospect of being pre-screened with a job assessmenttest, here are a few tips that can help you prepare to do your bestKeep it in perspective. While job assessment tests are important, remember that they are usually only one part of the application process. Employers generally rely on a range of factors- including resume, references, interviews, and hintergrund checks- in making hiring decisions. Think of your pre-hire test as just one hurdle to clear in your job search process, rather than as an obstacle to getting hired.Answer honestly. Many types of job assessments are designed to measure traits in particular jobs. As such, there may be no right or wrong answers. This realization can make the testing process easier for applicants, as the goal should be to answer honestly rather than to outsmart the test by trying to figure out the best answer to give. Whats more, if you answer dishonestly, you may be chosen for a position thats a poor fit for your skills and personality- which means you may soon be on the job search again.Take time to prepare. In some cases, an employer will let candidates take online job assessment tests at home. Be sure to allow yourself enough time to take the test, and also a distraction-free environment to focus on answering the questions. Most importantly, dont rush- read the instructions carefully. Criteria Corp. reports that reading too quickly through the test directions is the top mistake made by test takers.So if you must take a job assessmenttest, take a deep breath and stay focused. Successful pre-employment testscan help you stand out among the competition in the early rounds, and prepare you for the offer letter that you want.Readers, how do you prepare for a job assessment test? Do you think pre-employment testsare becoming more prevalent? Share your experiences with us below

Saturday, December 21, 2019

4 Holiday Hiring Tips to Hone Your Job Search

4 Holiday Hiring Tips to Hone Your Job Search4 Holiday Hiring Tips to Hone Your Job SearchThe holiday season is quickly approaching and since nobody hires during the holidays, youre probably thinking that now is a good time to take a brief sabbatical from your job search, right? Wrong.If youre buying into the holiday hiring myths that nobody hires during the holidays- or that employers are focusing on hiring seasonal help and they dont have time to look for permanent employees, especially those looking for executive-level positions- then youre probably going to miss out on potential opportunities. Employers will be hiring this holiday season, and there are plenty of things you should doto find your next job (and taking a job search sabbatical isnt one of them).Many candidates do feed into the holiday hiring myths and stigma, but diligent job seekers will have a competitive edge over those who decide to put their job search on hold until after the holidays. Even companies that close d uring the holiday season wont stop the hiring process if they have jobs that need to be filled.Here are some holiday job hunting tips to debunk the holiday hiring myths andmotivate you to end the year with a new job1. Update your resume and career tools.Before you do anything, revisit your resume, cover letter, and reference information. A strategically written resume thats error-free and has a clean, eye-catching format is critical in todays job market.Highlighting your accomplishments upfront, especially where youve added value to an organization, is an easy way to stand out above other candidates. Contact your references and ensure that you not only have accurate contact information for each of them, but also let them know that youre in an active job search and that they may be contacted by potential employers.2. Sharpen your interview skills.Todays interviews are quick and to the point. Always dress for the culture of the company youre interviewing with and read up on the compan ys mission so you have a clear understanding of what they do before you sit down with the hiring manager.Be in the habit of carrying extra copies of your resume and any relevant career documents with you to each interview.3. Network.Networking doesnt stop during the holidaysin fact, it picks up The holiday season offers a multitude of opportunities for mingling and meeting new people at events and parties.Dont let your pride get to you- let people know youre looking for new opportunities and what youre looking for. However, tread carefully and be sure you know your audience. Nobody wants a buzzkill at a holiday party.Business cards arent dead and having a few with you that you can slip to an interested person is a good idea. Dont forget your online networking The holidays are a great time to reach out to your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (join groups and check company profile pages) to help you to find potential leads.4. Be patient.This is by far the mos t important rule in a job search, especially during the holiday season. While companies will continue to hire, theyll usually be working with less staff.The hiring process will take longer as there will most likely be several people involved in filling open positions, and some of those people mightbe on vacation or working to close year-end projects.Dont slam the hiring manager with emails and phone calls. This person knows youre waiting and you need to do so with a holly-jolly attitude.With these tips you can avoid the holiday job search sabbatical this year. Instead of being one of many job seekers who are taking time off to feed into the holiday frenzy thats starting, you can be the holiday job search myth buster whoscores the interview and wins the job.Explore the 250Readers, what has worked for you when debunking holiday hiring myths? Tell us in the comment section below

Monday, December 16, 2019

Deadline for Students to Apply for an ASME Scholarship is Ma...

Deadline for Students to Apply for an ASME Scholarship is Ma... Deadline for Students to Apply for an ASME Scholarship is Ma... Deadline for Students to Apply for an ASME Scholarship is March 1ASME student members who are interested in applying for one of the Societys more than 100 scholarships including the new ASME IGTI Gas Turbomachinery Scholarship should act quickly. The deadline to submit an application is March 1.The ASME Scholarship Program seeks to ensure the future of the mechanical engineering profession while relieving some of the financial burden for ASME student members as they pursue an engineering education. ASME Scholarships are made possible by the generous contributions of donors through the ASME Foundation, the ASME Auxiliary and various independent ASME groups.ASME will offer more than $350,000 in scholarships for the 2019-2020 school year through the ASME Scholarship Program. ASME student members who would like to apply only need to submit a single online application to be considered for all of the scholarships for which they qualify. Scholarships available to undergraduate students for the 2019-2020 school year include the $13,000 Kenneth Andrew Roe Scholarship, the $10,000 Standards Certification Scholarship, the $5,000 Nuclear Engineering Division Scholarship, the $5,000 ASME/SHPE Dual Member Scholarship, the $5,000 Garland Duncan Scholarship, the $4,000 Melvin R. Green Scholarship, the $4,000 Virginia Tech Memorial Scholarship and the $4,000 American Electric Power Scholarship.The new ASME IGTI Gas Turbomachinery Scholarship will be awarded to approximately 20 students each year. The $2,000 scholarship is open to undergraduate or graduate students who are taking at least one course on gas and/or turbomachinery. Applicants must be enrolled in a mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering technology or related baccalaureate program. Recipients of the scholarship will be selected on the basis of scholastic ability and potentia l contribution to the mechanical engineering profession.To learn about the various scholarships offered through the ASME Scholarship Program or to view the list of available scholarships, visit the Engineering Scholarships page on ASME.org at www.asme.org/career-education/scholarships-and-grants/scholarship. For more information on scholarship criteria or how to submit an application, visit www.asme.org/career-education/scholarships-and-grants/scholarship/asme-scholarships-how-to-apply. If you have specific questions about the ASME Scholarships Program, contact Beth Lefever, Students and Career Development, at lefeverbasme.org.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Term Limits Definition

Term Limits DefinitionTerm Limits DefinitionTerm limits are restrictions on how long a particular person can serve in a political office. Term limits can be expressed in thenumber of terms in office or years of service. Term limits can also specify whether a person may serve in the same office once term limits have been reached and the individual has laid out of an election cycle. Why Are Term Limits? Imposed? Term limits are imposed so that one person cannot hold an office for life and so a variety of people can serve. Proponents of term limits point to lifetime members of Congress as examples of why term limits are preferable to no term limits. Congress members who face little re-election competition appear to term limit proponents as unresponsive to voters and susceptible to the temptation of corruption. Opponents of term limits say term limits force out good politicians with the bad, unnecessarily limit voter choice and increase the power of lobbyists and bureaucrats. Term li mits also reduce the institutional knowledge that elected officials can build up. For instance, an elected official limited to two four-year terms cannot know precisely why a law enacted 10 years earlier welches passed. Examples of Term Limits The 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution limits the President to serving 10 years in office. The amendment was ratified in 1951. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only President to have served more than two four-year terms. He served more than 12 years before dying in office.Ancient Athenians who served on the Boule were limited to two annual terms in a lifetime. They could only head that governing body for one term.

Friday, December 6, 2019

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Creative Director Resume and How to Avoid It

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Creative Director Resume and How to Avoid It You really, really need to work for Alice. In any event, you are going to want to reveal your education in the ideal light to stand out like Warhol. The education and training resume examples below will offer you more ideas about how to present yourself favorably in this specific industry. Youve got to provide help whenever required. Students are encouraged to take a crucial approach to commercial briefs in order to consider through the association between context and innovation. The expert summary is a rather important portion of your resume. You may still compose a terrific graphic design resume education section even in case you havent finished college yet. If you own a variety of skills to feature to prospective employers, then this resume vorlage is a good solution. There are an assortment of jobs that require graphic design abilities. To learn more on what it requires to be a Creative Directo r, take a look at our complete Creative Director Job Description. Experience will be supplied premium by the majority of employers. If youre confident that youre able to motivate and inspire other people to share the very same creative vision, you want to craft a strong Art Director resume first. What you shouldnt do is submit one which is generic or looks and reads the exact same as the remainder of the Art Director resumes. Designers also have to be able to grasp the users needs, and design the product to guarantee a smooth UX. They must be creative, and should ideally be able to create for a range of business needs and requirements, though they can specialise in one particular style. They may be working on digital or published content, as well as content that may be used internally or externally. Conventional Designers are also having to return and learn digital design skills, as a way to continue to keep their skillset fresh and increase hireability. The Basic Facts of C reative Director Resume You should have the ability to articulate your ideas clearly. Template designs are for private use only and might bedrngnis be resold or redistributed under any conditions. Any one of the creative resume templates referenced within this short article could be exactly what you want. Infographic and data-rich, with numbers and contemporary fonts, this creative resume it is a great way to showcase your abilities to potential employers. If youre searching to land a part in the high-energy, high-turnover food and beverage business, then you are going to need a resume that touts your previous experience and drives home your customer service abilities. Its great to be knowledgeable about the job of different men and women in the kollektiv. Your team has to comprehend what you would like to be able to deliver it. Helped deliver greater team sales in excess of 10% annually throughout the last 3 decades, despite challenging industry. You should get a comprehens ion of how a business runs. Youve got a huge advantage if your degree of experience exceeds 5 decades. It is not essential since you will most likely have a team with specific skill sets but it is going to be to your advantage when you have a working understanding of the other tasks. Its the preferred format for people with limited work experience or somebody who is shifting focus to another industry. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Creative Director Resume Some hiring managers may search for candidates with a couple years experience, based on the level youre applying for. The realities of an aging population coupled with greater access to healthcare usually means that demand for workers in this business is increasing. It should tell the employer what you can do to help the organization. Then youre able to receive a visually distinctive resume sent out to possible employers.With the introduction of time, different kinds of job roles are made in the corporate or exper t sector. As a consequence, just about any professional has their own advice when it has to do with writing one of these formal introductions and bids for employment. It permits you to quantify any huge career wins directly from the outset, leaving out endless details about obvious responsibilities and duties. The ideal place to look is the work description.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Your Career Path Will Be Full of Twists and Turns and That#8217;s a Good Thing

Your Career Path Will Be Full of Twists and Turns and That8217s a Good Thing The job market is full of twists and turns youd never expect. I faced my first twistduring college.I grew up in the 90s alongside the internet. Companies like AOL were just starting out. With a fast dial-up modem, you could connect to the web through your phone line. It welches just the sort of thing a teenager dying to go to college out of state needed. It was an exciting time. Everything and everyone suddenly seemed magically intertwined in a new way.Startups were popping up everywhere. Young people were getting investments to start businesses and were suddenly worth millions. It was like being a celebrity. The guarantee of a good job and a great financial future motivated me to study computer and systems engineering in college. I moved from Oklahoma to upstate New York for the opportunity.Midway through my time in school, the dot-com crash happened. Suddenly, startups wer e disappearing and jobs in the tech world were dryingup. Recruiters canceled their visits to my school because the jobs they were hiring for were canceled, too.This was one of the scariest times in my career. It forced me to rethink the possibilities of what I might become. After some soul searching, I found a project management job. It wasnt what I had expected to be doing, but the good news was it was even better. This work capitalized on my strengths more than computer programming ever did, and it prepared me for my next challenge graduate school.Getting my MBA presented a new set of hurdles. The first was saving enough money to quit my job to go. The second was moving across the country to a new city in California where I knew no one. While I was in school, the job market continued to be competitive. In fact, many employers were no longer paying for interns. The prospect of working for free was one catalyst to finish school early and begin my new career.Although I planned to ch ange careers when I finished business school, employers didnt always agree. One company offered me twice as much money to do the same sort of work Id been doing before school. It was incredibly confusing. The money was great, but Id quit my job so that I could change careers completely. I turned down the offer and kept searching. Eventually, I became a digital marketing executive, and now Im a career coach.What Ive learned along the way is that your path doesnt always end up as straight as you picture it when youre 18, and thats okay. In todays job market, changing jobs every 3-5 years keeps you fresh. It diversifies your professional contacts and your experience and gives you the chance to negotiate for more money every few years.Very often, unexpected career interference is a true blessing in disguise.A version of this article originally appeared in theMemphis Daily News.Angela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm,Copeland Coaching.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Marketing 101 for Recruiters, Part 3 Find and Target

Marketing 101 for Recruiters, Part 3 Find and TargetMarketing 101 for Recruiters, Part 3 Find and TargetRecruiting and absatzwirtschaft are two distinct parts of an organization, and rarely do workers cross from one field into another, but the departments have some key traits in common. In fact, when it comes to recruiting, there are many benefits you can reap when you put on your marketer hat. In the coming weeks, we will discuss how adopting five tried and tested marketing techniques can lead to lower cost per application, higher quality candidates, and better overall performance of your recruiting campaign.In Rules No. 1 and 2 we covered the use of multiple channels to get your message out and the framing of your message. The next major rule is finding your audience and targeting accordingly.Marketers hate to waste money. Well, the good ones hate to. Not knowing where your audience is located and not targeting your message strategically equates to lots of wasted money and a lower return on investment (ROI). This is because its easier to sell to a consumer who already wants your product. It is less costly to target those with a need than to convince the rest of the world. Research into audience location and strategic targeting is paramount for success.For talent acquisition professionals, targeting is equally important for effectively marketing jobs. While we noted in Rule No. 1 that using multiple channels to reach an audience is fundamental, a deeper understanding of these channels is required to use them strategically. This means doing your homework and researching the data before you execute.Marketers do their research, and comprehending data is a big part of developing a targeting strategy. For the job marketer, this means acquiring data from different suppliers to understand the audience they reach. If you have a specific role or cluster of positions that require a specific set of skills and experience, you dont want to spend money where the audience is nt. To mitigate this risk, ask your suppliers for data.Look at all of your channels and strategize accordingly. If you require a candidate who traditionally uses a job search engine instead of another more costly channel, use it. Layer this with a social media campaign if applicable. If data from a supplier shows a higher concentration of the right candidates versus another, focus your investment there, not across all channels simply for the sake of greater reach. If location is a factor, check to see if your suppliers can accommodate enough quality candidates for the location you need to recruit for. Dont just assume.Ask for the data, determine where your quality candidates are located, evaluate the channel options and build a targeting strategy accordingly.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Getting a Local Business License and Special Permits

Getting a Local geschftsleben License and Special PermitsGetting a Local Business License and Special PermitsCounties and municipalities often have their own unique requirements for legally establishing a business, and statewide registration rules might apply as well. Starting a new business can be complex enough without worrying that youre missing any of these myriad rules. You need a checklist of whats required, and an understanding of when its required and why. Commonly Required Local Business Licenses and Permits Common requirements of local jurisdictions include Local business license or tax registration certificateFranchise license feeFiling a fictitious name statementSpecial use permitsHealth, safety, or other special certificates or permits You must almost always pay at least a moderate fee to acquire these licenses, certificates, and permits. Many local jurisdictions also place restrictions on the types of businesses you can operate from your home, and whether clients or customers can come to your residence. This isnt permitted at all in some cases and in some localities. Business-Specific Needs Some permits and licenses will be specific to your type of business. Youll find information from a certain department, such as Planning or Zoning Department You might need special permission to open certain types of businesses in particular areas. Contact the zoning board if youre planning to convert a residential property into a commercial enterprise.Building and Safety Department You might need a special permit if youre opening a business outside your home, or running one from home where customers or clients will be on your premises, such as a daycare facility.Construction, Remodeling or Renovation Permits Youll need building permits if youre remodeling an existing storefront or office, or possibly even a space in your home to accommodate your business. This can usually be handled by your planning or zoning department, your building and safety departm ent, or both. Health Department All businesses that serve any type of food or beverage and any type of in-home care service or daycare center will require health inspections. Fitness centers fall into this category as well. The health department also usually tests water quality.Fire and Police Department You might have to pass a fire or other safety inspection if you run a home-based business where youll have employees or clients in your home. Most in-home daycare centers require a fire, safety, and health inspection that must be renewed annually. Police and fire departments are typically the agencies that handle occupancy permits, as well as crowd control issues and other permits that affect how people enter and exit a building. CPR Certification You might need to have CPR certification if you run any type of care-based in-home business. Most fire departments offer CPR training and certification. You can also call a local hospital to find out where you can take a CPR class. Find Your States Business Start-Up Requirements Start by contacting your city hall, or your city or county clerk. You might also try your county tax assessor or local treasurer. State-level websites will often provide you with county and municipal links and tips, as well as broader jurisdictional requirements. Alabama AtlasAlabamaAlaska Alaska Department of CommerceArizona Arizona Department of RevenueArkansas Arkansas.govCalifornia CalGoldColorado MyBizColoradoConnecticut Business Startup ToolDelaware OneStopDistrict of Columbia DC Business CenterFlorida DBPR ansprechbar ServicesGeorgia Georgia.gov Business LicensesHawaii Hawaii Business ExpressIdaho Online ServicesIllinois Department of Commerce Step by Step GuideIndiana Business Owners GuideIowa Iowa Business License Information CenterKansas Kansas Business Center Kentucky One Stop Business PortalLouisiana GeauxBiz.comMaine Local Government PortalMaryland Maryland Business ExpressMassachusetts Starting a New BusinessMichigan State L icense SearchMinnesota Minnesota eLicensingMississippi MississippiBoss Business One Stop ShopMissouri 24/7 MissouriMontana Montana License LookupNebraska Nebraska Licensing DivisionNevada SilverFlume Business PortalNew Hampshire NH Department of Revenue AdministrationNew Jersey State of New Jersey Business PortalNew Mexico New Mexico Economic Development New York New York Business ExpressNorth Carolina Start a BusinessNorth Dakota North Dakota New Business RegistrationOhio Ohio Small Business Development CenterOklahoma Business Licensing Operating RequirementsOregon Oregon Business XpressPennsylvania Pennsylvania Licensing System (PALS)Rhode Island Rhode Island Department of Business RegulationSouth Carolina South Carolina Business One StopSouth Dakota Governors Office of Economic DevelopmentTennessee Tennessee Department of Revenue Texas Texas Secretary of StateUtah Utah Department of CommerceVermont Vermont Secretary of StateVirginia Virginia Business 1neStopWashington Washington State Department of RevenueWest Virginia One Stop Business PortalWisconsin Wisconsin.govWyoming Wyoming Business Council

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3 Examples of Resumes for Flexible Jobs

3 Examples of Resumes for Flexible Jobs3 Examples of Resumes for Flexible JobsIf youre ready to apply to flexible jobs (and even if youve already been applying for a while), there are some specific things you can do to make your materials stand out. Here are three real examples of ways to tackle writing resumes for flexible jobs.What Recruiters and Hiring Managers Want to SeeRecruiters want applicants who clearly understand the job for which theyre applying. Show them youve done your homework on the position and the company. Furthermore, demonstrate your previous flexible work experience OR the skills youve learned that will help you be successful in a flexible environment.Real Examples of Flexible ResumesThe Summary of QualificationsThis is a great place to highlight your previous flexible work experience and skills. In this example, the applicant states up front that they have six years of experience working remotely in a flexible work environment.Furthermore, under their professio nal experience, they denote the job as being full-time work-from-home.Flex Within Each Professional ExperienceIf youve had a few different experiences working flexibly, you can highlight each experience on each job. In this example, the person has listed that they performed this job as an independent contractor and that it was a telecommute position.Great Skills for Flexible WorkingThe skills section is a solid option to showcase the skills you have to be a successful flexible worker. Whether or not youve ever worked from home or freelanced or worked a flexible schedule, you probably have some of the skills it takes to do those things. Below is an example of how to showcase those skills on a resume.Readers, how have you been writing resumes for flexible jobs? Share your ideas in the commentsJoin and put your flexible resume to good use